
根据美国心理协会的说法 2021年报告黑人,比如克拉伦斯·K. 华裔——占博士级心理学工作者总数的4%. 作为福尔摩斯学者, Bumpas希望增加心理健康领域的代表性, 丰富向服务不足和代表性不足的群体提供的服务.

克拉伦斯•K. Bumpas

The former football player made his way from athletics to clinical mental health as part of his own experience “navigating my own struggles between the balance of the two,Bumpas说. 他一边上学一边努力打职业足球. 在那段时间里,他的儿子去世了,回首往事,Bumpas说他挣扎着应付.

He completed his master’s in clinical mental health counseling from Colorado Christian University and is a licensed counselor in Colorado.


The Holmes Scholar program appealed to Bumpas because of the professional networking and mission to include diverse scholars 在高等教育中. 对他, 这不仅是一个建立专业关系的机会, 而是为了更广泛地为心理健康领域做出贡献.

"为了使一些心理健康领域多样化和非殖民化, 它需要这样的口袋,Bumpas说, 描述福尔摩斯学者群体. “你一个人做不到,对吧?”

因为在他自己的心理健康之旅中, Bumpas said there were “innumerable” times he saw the lack of diversity in his field and the need to improve representation.

作为一名教授, he hopes to “contribute not only to the field of research but to the cultivation” of mental healthcare providers from diverse backgrounds and identities.


希尔达·阿杜·贾姆菲17年的教学生涯并非始于特殊教育, but now she is a Darden College Holmes Scholar with the goal of building on the scholarly work being done in the field and, 希望, 与美国和她的祖国加纳的学者分享她的经验和知识.

Hilda Adu Gyamfi

Adu Gyamfi教学生涯的第一个十年是在加纳,在那里她教授小学教育.

She said special education in Ghana was limited to the blind and deaf and students with multiple disabilities who are required to be in self-contained classrooms. 许多人努力克服的具体学习挑战的范围并没有被广泛理解. Adu Gyamfi说,了解到为有特殊需要的学生提供支持的系统“很好”.

搬到汉普顿路后不久, Adu Gyamfi开始在最靠谱的网赌软件儿童学习研究中心教授学前教育. 在那里,一个有特殊需要的小女孩激发了她学习更多特殊教育的愿望.

“我像一个母亲一样对待她, 但同时, 我觉得我需要更专业的手法, 所以她好像不在家,Adu Gyamfi说.

Adu Gyamfi decided to take in a couple of classes before ultimately enrolling in a special education master’s program at the University.

She specialized in providing math support for high school students struggling with dyscalculia and worked in Norfolk Public 学校. 她的目标是帮助学生坚持并从高中毕业.

现在作为福尔摩斯学者, Adu Gyamfi will continue her studies in the field of special education with the goal of learning from fellow scholars, 培养她的研究和写作技巧, 最终, 成为一名教授. It is also an opportunity for her to 分享 her experience with other scholars to help expand their knowledge of other cultures and ways to teach within them.



Natisha哈珀 saw the community and comradery the Holmes Scholar Program strives to provide and knew she wanted to be a part of it.


The self-proclaimed daughter of Hampton Roads worked abroad as an English teacher in Korea and the United Arab Emirates for several years before returning home. 在深入研究领域之前,她能够获得实践教学经验.

作为第一代学生,她的父母都有副学士学位, 但哈珀更进一步, earning her master’s in library and information sciences – she felt nervous coming back to school to pursue her doctorate in educational psychology. 福尔摩斯学者项目帮助缓解了这些紧张情绪.

“在攻读博士学位的过程中,这似乎是一个获得情感支持的好地方.D. 还有一些学术上的支持——在经历了这一切之后.哈珀说.

她的目标并不止于成功完成博士课程. 哈珀希望继续与该项目合作,帮助其他可能有和她一样背景的人, 建立一个相互支持的研究人员和教师网络.

另外, 哈珀计划让学生们参与新课程, 以教学法为中心的创新方式, 教学的科学. 她想通过改变图书馆课程的方法来为学术领域做出贡献. 图书馆员, 她说, could go to classrooms and help involve students in research and active learning so that they become better researchers.

她说,如果你知道去哪里寻找,信息就在那里. 作为一名前研究馆员, 哈珀在寻找扩大人们对广泛主题的理解所需的信息方面有着丰富的经验.

这是学术图书馆员工作的重要组成部分, 她说, 这也是她作为教授想要继续发展的东西, 通过走进教室,教学生如何进行研究并成长为学者.



Deondre约翰逊以在医学领域工作为目标开始了他的教育之旅. He completed his master’s in public health at 最靠谱的网赌软件 and had plans of pursuing a career in community health. 他喜欢它的社区参与方面.


他也是学生运动员. Johnson played football at Mercer University as an undergraduate student and knew what it was like trying to balance academics, 运动和整体健康. 从ODU毕业后, 他开始担任健身协调员, 北乔治亚大学的健康和健康促进中心.

His “lightbulb moment” came when he sat down with a University athletic administrator and learned how he can combine his background in public health with his desire to “educate, 激励并继续推动人们实现他们的学术和职业目标.” Johnson decided it was time to take the next step so that will open the door to all kinds of new opportunities – even if they are ones he has not considered yet.

“(福尔摩斯学者项目)对每个人来说都不一样, but I feel like this is the support group that I needed to not only give me the confidence but also the help to push me outside of my limits,约翰逊说.

约翰逊正在攻读博士学位.D. 在高等教育中, 通过教学和研究,将他对公共卫生和学生运动员健康的热情结合起来. 他感兴趣的是探索整体发展的联系及其对学生运动员成功的影响.

24岁时, Johnson said he is also excited to join a cohort of fellow scholars who are coming from different educational and professional experiences. He sees himself working long-term 在高等教育中 and is confident that the Darden College Holmes Scholar experience will guide him in the right direction.

克里斯汀·玛丽·特纳从小就明白教育的价值. 她的父母从菲律宾移民到美国, 她的父亲是一个低收入家庭, 第一代大学生. 通过父母的“牺牲和艰辛”,特纳说,她看到了“教育改变世界、帮助克服贫困的力量”.”


After earning her Bachelor of 艺术 degree in sociology with a minor in Asian Pacific American studies from University of Virginia, 特纳是弗吉尼亚大学咨询团的大学顾问. This is an AmeriCorps program which places recent college graduates in high schools around Virginia to help improve college access for low-income, 第一代和代表性不足的学生.

特纳被安置在丹维尔的乔治华盛顿高中. 她的许多学生都需要心理健康支持, 她说, 但她当时没有接受过培训. 特纳看到了心理健康护理方面的差距,以及来自服务不足群体的学生所获得的资源,于是开始咨询. 她回到弗吉尼亚大学攻读咨询教育硕士学位, 专门从事学校咨询.

她在学校当了几年辅导员,找到了自己的爱好. 然而,她发现许多人仍然误解了辅导员在学校中的角色, 作为她所在学区唯一的亚裔美国学校辅导员,她经历过微侵犯, 特别是在COVID-19大流行期间和之后.

她加入达顿学院福尔摩斯学者项目攻读博士学位.D. 在辅导员教育和监督方面, 专门从事学校咨询, Turner hopes she can raise awareness about what counselors do and promote diversity in the field to better support students and future counseling professionals.

“What especially drew me to the Holmes Scholar program was the sense of community and mentorship and learning about the networking opportunities and having people of color who are in the field as well,特纳说. “Having that representation and seeing myself in these people who have gone before me – that helps me feel like I can do it 太 and inspire others in the future.”


最靠谱的网赌软件达顿教育与专业研究学院迎来了第一批 福尔摩斯的学者, 以促进多样性为目标的多元化博士生群体, 公平和包容的PK-12, 专业行业和高等教育.

首批学员及其关注的领域包括克拉伦斯·邦帕斯, counselor education and supervision: clinical mental health; Hilda Adu Gyamfi, special education; Natisha哈珀, educational psychology; Deondre约翰逊, higher education; and 克里斯汀·玛丽·特纳, 辅导员教育与监督:学校辅导员.

福尔摩斯学者计划, 它隶属于美国教师学院协会吗, is designed to boost the education field by recruiting and supporting students from historically underrepresented groups who are on track for careers 在高等教育中. 在过去的25年里, 国家福尔摩斯学者计划致力于解决各级教育中的公平和包容问题.

该项目于2023年11月向申请人开放. 它的使命与达顿学院自己的目标保持一致,即培养一个多元化的教师社区, 员工和学生,并认识到实现这一目标的系统性障碍.

“我们的使命和价值观是这个项目的核心,”达顿学院院长塔米·戴斯(Tammi Dice)说. “众所周知,教育是通过各种各样的观点和经验来丰富的. 我们的目标是为来自历史上代表性不足的群体的有抱负的学者提供装备和指导, helping them pursue and secure future faculty positions and build a solid foundation to broaden learning opportunities for their future students.”

达顿学院第一批有10名申请者,有5个名额. Bumpas, Adu Gyamfi, 哈珀, 约翰逊和特纳承诺在为期三年的旅程中接受指导, 同伴支持和专业发展,为他们未来的教师和领导职位做好准备. 其目标是揭开学术和学术生活文化的神秘面纱, 为学者提供在研究环境中取得成功的必要工具.


艾米丽Goodman-Scott, 达顿学院福尔摩斯学者项目的教授和主任, 她说,她希望这些学生在项目的过程中学到很多东西, 她希望学习, 太.

“他们都非常投入,非常专注, 谈论他们的研究兴趣, 他们的旅程, 他们以前做过什么,他们想把什么带进来,古德曼-斯科特说. “每次和他们说话,我都觉得自己要掐自己. 我很感激能认识这些人, 向他们学习,让他们互相学习.”

展望未来,该项目有望实现增长和可持续性. 计划建立一个强大的指导基础设施, 达顿学院福尔摩斯学者计划将继续支持未来几代学者. 我们鼓励校友继续参与领先的网络研讨会, 小组讨论和会议,并为新群体提供指导, and Goodman-Scott said members of this group have already expressed interest in supporting future scholars in some way.
